Open Call for Experts – IC2PerMed Working Groups
An open call for experts was launched by the end of January and will be published on IC2PerMed website (available both in Chinese and English versions). Even if a great number of experts have already been engaged in the project during the last few months through a process of rigorous selection, it is still fundamental to involve the largest number of experts possible, before working groups activities start and maximise every expert’s competencies. By the open call, the intent is also to reach a greater number of Chinese experts so that both the main 'actors' involved in the project would be equally represented.
IC2PerMed Survey on China-EU Coperation over PM Developments
To make sure our collaboration begins on a solid and valuable base of evidence, experts will first of all be required to validate our mapping findings by means of a survey has been launched at the end of January. The survey is based on the results of the mapping activities and aims to explore the current landscape of implementation, priorities, and challenges of PM in China and Europe, with a focus on Sino-European collaboration in this field. The results of this survey will complement the ongoing mapping activities within IC2PerMed project and will be fundamental for starting activities of the other work packages. They will also serve as the basis for the IC2PerMed working groups as support in developing recommendations for implementing the ICPerMed’s Action plan into China.
Kick-off Meeting of IC2PerMed Working Groups (March 2021)
The kick-off meeting of the 3 Working Groups will be held virtually in March 2021 in order to officially start the activities. It will be essential to set up regular meetings between all the members of the Working Groups. Experts from all over the world will find themselves interacting and working together. Documents, minutes of the meetings and working documents will be shared among the WGs to ensure synergies, integration among procedures and avoid duplication in order to create working synergies. Our hope is that regular meetings might be held in person as soon as the pandemic situation would allow that.
Sino-EU PerMed Travel Activities
Due to the corona pandemic, the exchange travel activities within the Sino-EU PerMed project will delay. We will inform you on our next events in the newsletter and on our website.